Bitterroot Counseling is based in Boise, Idaho and offers telehealth and in-person counseling services to individuals who reside in the state of Idaho.
Fees & Insurance
Insurance plans accepted:​
Blue Cross of Idaho
Regence BlueShield of Idaho
Blue Cross Blue Shield (including Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans from other states)​
Saint Luke's Health Partners/Plan
If you are curious about whether Bitterroot Counseling accepts your plan, please get in touch via the contact form.
Intake (initial) session
60 minutes
Individual counseling
53 minute session
It is important for you to know that you have multiple options available to you for your therapy costs:
(1) utilize your in-network insurance benefits and have insurance cover some or all of your therapy costs
(2) utilize your out-of-network insurance benefits and receive a receipt at the end of the month to submit to insurance for your out-of-network reimbursement
(3) utilize self-pay or private pay to avoid having insurance directly involved in your mental health treatment.
Bitterroot Counseling is happy to discuss these options with you during your consult call for you to make the best decision based on your available options.